It's raining confetti.
Confettis are love.
Make it fun for everybody. Did your user just finish a workout? Or just unlocked a new character? Or just cleared level 42? Celebrate. Celebrate hard. Celebrate with confettis all over the screen.
It's raining confettis in two lines of code.
1var icConfetti: ICConfetti! 2 3override func viewDidLoad() { 4 super.viewDidLoad() 5 icConfetti = ICConfetti() 6 icConfetti.rain(in: self.view) 7}
Mix in. Max out.
Set up the visual aspect of the rain. Configure the particles along with their colors and their velocities as you please.
1// Customize the colors... 🎨 2icConfetti.colors = [.red, .green, .yellow, .blue] 3 4// Tailor the confetti images. White template images work the best. 🖼 5icConfetti.images = [ 6 UIImage(named: "Box")!, 7 UIImage(named: "Circle")!, 8 UIImage(named: "Triangle")!, 9 UIImage(named: "Spiral")! 10] 11 12// Throttle the velocities... 🏎 13icConfetti.velocities = [100, 128, 144, 512]